LEAFcast is the podcast channel for LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming), a charity whose mission is to inspire and enable sustainable farming that is prosperous, enriches the environment and engages local communities.LEAF works with farmers, the food industry, scientists and consumers to inspire and enable sustainable farming.Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the world of LEAF.
Talking trees: Advice and support for managing tree health on-farm
LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming)
Our latest podcast takes a deeper dive into the roots of supporting tree health on-farm. Join Andrew Keyte , Farm Manager at LEAF Demonstration Farm, Ragley Home Farms, Dr Jake Morris who specialises in Plant Health Evidence & Analysis at Defra and LEAF Technical Officer, Eleanor Marks, as they talk tactics, technologies and teamwork for smarter, more integrated approaches to tree health management.
Download A Farmer's Guide to Ash Dieback here.